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Monday, 29 March 2010

e-conomic Integration - Technical Overview

The e-conomic integration is a little bit more complex than our other integrations because of e-conomic's inventory system. The plus side is you can use e-conomic's stock control and the integration will utilises it.

So what makes it more complex?

Basically, e-conomic needs to have a registered product (a product added in e-conomic) specified for every invoice line created (including shipping lines). The product needs to be set up with the correct tax.

You have two options
  1. You can create all your products in e-conomic manually
  2. You can have CTO create products in e-conomic on-the-fly as they are ordered in your store
You choose which of the two options you want when setting up your integration.

Shipping products/items?

Currently you need to manually create a product in e-conomic for each of your store's shipping methods and assign it to a product group with the correct tax settings.

Don't worry, when you start to configure your integration, CTO will tell you which products you need to set up in e-conomic.

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