Multiple Currencies in OsCommerce and integration with Kashflow
If you have an OSCommerce store and support multiple currencies, then we'd love to hear from you!
Our surveys showed the majority of sites supported a single home currency - GBP if you are based in the UK, USD if in US etc.
However, OSCommerce does have the functionality to show lots of different currencies, and update the rates semi-automatically using
Our experience of running an OSCommerce site was that while we showed customers in Germany all prices in Euros, and let them check-out in fact they were charged in GBP - and the Germany customer would usually be charged a slightly different amount by their bank or credit card.
Even though the OSC invoice would be in Euros, we took the call to put the Kashflow invoice in GBP (or whatever the default currency is in OSC).
This is because the merchant is always charging in the default currency, even if the customer sees a different currency on their invoice.
The question is - does this work for everyone?
And how many people out there use multiple currencies and have multiple bank accounts denominated in various currencies?
Our thinking is that only stores using Paypal's Website Payments Pro (but possibly just Paypal IPN) would have multiple currency balances - and many will just have them automatically converted to their home currency regardless.
How many stores out there would like support for multiple currency balances. And how would you like those treated in Kashflow? Do you already use the multi-currency capability?
Our surveys showed the majority of sites supported a single home currency - GBP if you are based in the UK, USD if in US etc.
However, OSCommerce does have the functionality to show lots of different currencies, and update the rates semi-automatically using
Our experience of running an OSCommerce site was that while we showed customers in Germany all prices in Euros, and let them check-out in fact they were charged in GBP - and the Germany customer would usually be charged a slightly different amount by their bank or credit card.
Even though the OSC invoice would be in Euros, we took the call to put the Kashflow invoice in GBP (or whatever the default currency is in OSC).
This is because the merchant is always charging in the default currency, even if the customer sees a different currency on their invoice.
The question is - does this work for everyone?
And how many people out there use multiple currencies and have multiple bank accounts denominated in various currencies?
Our thinking is that only stores using Paypal's Website Payments Pro (but possibly just Paypal IPN) would have multiple currency balances - and many will just have them automatically converted to their home currency regardless.
How many stores out there would like support for multiple currency balances. And how would you like those treated in Kashflow? Do you already use the multi-currency capability?
Labels: International, Invoices, Kashflow, OSCommerce
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